Eczema Treatments For Stubborn Cases

Posted on: 17 June 2021

If you struggle with eczema, the first thing your dermatologist is likely to recommend is either medicated shampoos and washes or corticosteroid creams containing hydrocortisone. In some cases, they may recommend both. For many people, these interventions work, and the eczema clears up. But if you have a really stubborn case of eczema, you may not get much relief from these remedies. When this occurs, your dermatologist may instead recommend one of the following more aggressive treatments for eczema.
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Stop Popping Pimples: What You Should Do Instead

Posted on: 17 May 2021

If you have pimples on your face, it can be so difficult to keep your hands off and stop thinking about them at all, but this is exactly what you have to do. Pimples are usually brought on by bacteria, oils, and dirt, so if you touch them with dirty hands, you're going to either end up causing them to worsen or to get even more on your face. Popping your pimples ends up with damage to the skin and scarring, which is also what you do not want.
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6 Frequently Asked Questions About Botox Cosmetic

Posted on: 13 May 2021

Botox injections are among the most famous cosmetic procedures in the United States. But, what do you know about Botox cosmetics? Here are six frequently asked questions that may help you understand the procedure better: 1. What Is Botox? Botox cosmetic is a procedure in which you are injected with a wrinkle muscle relaxer. Mainly, the cosmetic procedure uses botulinum, a drug that is known to temporarily paralyze muscles, significantly reducing facial wrinkles.
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What Can A Dermatologist Do For Under-Eye Circles?

Posted on: 6 April 2021

If you have under-eye circles, you may try to camouflage them with concealer and other makeup. But at the end of the day, when you take your makeup off, your under-eye circles are still there. If you want a more permanent solution to your under-eye circles, then you may want to visit a dermatologist. There are a few things they may recommend. Retinol  Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that is recommended for a number of conditions.
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